Building Competitive Capability

Strategic Capability is a resource hub for excellence in organisational and people development for business benefit.

This website outlines the principal elements which make up 
the Strategic Capability offering. These elements can be delivered directly to employers, involving leading associates as necessary.

assemble the most appropriate and effective frameworks, models and tools to meet specific business needs

demand-led and outcome-driven, with tangible improvement measures 

delivered through customised learning, facilitation and coaching interventions 

sustainable and a platform for ongoing development. 

We have a particular interest in equipping
other organisations engaged in 
capability provision and development 
with our frameworks, models and tools.  

We can help you create your own-branded versions, 
train your own facilitators, and support you through 
the early phases of application and delivery.

News & Events

by NET14825 28 April 2020
How can an organisation’s true & unique productivity be put into words #Productivity? Tell us on Fill out in Google Forms - we’ll take your views on board in our Productivity Insights Network study AND send you feedback on the outcomes #Innovation
by NET14825 15 April 2020
We’re looking for stories of organisations. Stories about an idea which changed the way your organisation worked for the better. New stories invited and welcomed. See the stories-ideas below for more details and some previous examples.
by Clive Reynolds 2 August 2019
The University of Warwick Science Park have launched a new phase of their Business Ready programme to support growth of high-tech SMEs in the Coventry & Warwickshire area. Strategic Capability’s Clive Reynolds has been appointed to the team of Business Growth Specialists who will be assigned to businesses as mentors offering strategic support to overcome potential barriers to their growth. For more information click download button below
by Clive Reynolds 20 June 2019
We're developing tools & techniques to enable manufacturers to progressively implement zero-emissions processes with the objective
by Clive Reynolds 12 June 2019
We have a new website, located as before at The content is similar to the previous site, but the platform is completely new. It is designed to outline the breadth of our range of activities and services. We would welcome any feedback!

Most Recent

by NET14825 28 April 2020
How can an organisation’s true & unique productivity be put into words #Productivity? Tell us on Fill out in Google Forms - we’ll take your views on board in our Productivity Insights Network study AND send you feedback on the outcomes #Innovation
by NET14825 15 April 2020
We’re looking for stories of organisations. Stories about an idea which changed the way your organisation worked for the better. New stories invited and welcomed. See the stories-ideas below for more details and some previous examples.
by Clive Reynolds 2 August 2019
The University of Warwick Science Park have launched a new phase of their Business Ready programme to support growth of high-tech SMEs in the Coventry & Warwickshire area. Strategic Capability’s Clive Reynolds has been appointed to the team of Business Growth Specialists who will be assigned to businesses as mentors offering strategic support to overcome potential barriers to their growth. For more information click download button below
by Clive Reynolds 20 June 2019
We're developing tools & techniques to enable manufacturers to progressively implement zero-emissions processes with the objective
by Clive Reynolds 12 June 2019
We have a new website, located as before at The content is similar to the previous site, but the platform is completely new. It is designed to outline the breadth of our range of activities and services. We would welcome any feedback!
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